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ESME is an ONR Life Sciences Research Program focused on producing an integrated computer model of animal response to the sound fields produced by human activities, with a special emphasis on naval sound sources such as sonars, explosives, and acoustic communications.

The ESME program uses an integrated interdisciplinary team approach and involves scientists from the fields of geophysics, oceanography, underwater acoustics, marine ecology, animal physiology and hearing research, and mathematical modeling.

Create, manage, and store complex movement scenarios for ships and other sources of manmade noise:

create location
edit modes
edit platforms
view movement

Rapidly visualize complex environmental data:

bathymetry thumb
windspeed thumb
soundspeed thumb
sediment thumb

Simulate sound propagation anywhere in the ocean, on demand:

create location
analysis point
transmission loss viewer
transmission loss viewer

Create model cetacean populations and simulate their exposure to moving acoustic sources:

add species
last modified 22:28, 07 Jun 2019
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